◆ VOLUMEYou can adjust the volume ofthe TV.➢ You can increase ordecrease the volumesimply by pressing the/ button onthe remote control.◆ MODE: STANDARD/MUSIC/MOVIE/SPEECH/CUSTOMYou can select the type ofspecial sound effect to beused when watching a givenbroadcast.➢ You can select theseoptions simply bypressing the S.MODEbutton on the remotecontrol.◆ CUSTOM: BALANCE/BASS/TREBLEThe television has severalsettings which allow you tocontrol the sound quality.➢ When the MODE is setto CUSTOM, the CUSTOMmenu is displayed.➢ If you make anychanges to thesesettings, the sound mode is automatically switchedto CUSTOM.➢ You can also display this group simply by pressingthe S.MENU button on the remote control.◆ EFFECT: PSEUDO/SPATIAL/OFFPSEUDO: PSEUDO convertsa monaural sound signal intotwo identical left and rightchannels. Once the EFFECTis set to PSEUDO or OFF, thesetting applies to the soundeffects such as STANDARD,MUSIC, MOVIE and SPEECH.SPATIAL: Humans as well hear sound in threedimensions and have the perception of spatial aspects ofsound.English - 5Setup - ReminderThis feature facilitates you for displaying a message input onthe screen at the desired time set by you.◆ REMINDER: ON/OFFIf you do not want to displaya message, set to OFF.◆ MESSAGE (A~Z / 0~9 / & / -)Message of maximum 30characters can be entered.◆ DISP.TIMEIt is the time at which themessage will be displayedon the screen.◆ ERASEYou can delete the entirewritten message.MOVE ENTER RETURNTV SETUP……MOREBLUE SCREEN :ON √√DEMONSTRATION √√REMINDER √√MOVE ENTER RETURNTV REMINDERREMINDER ONMESSAGE------------------------------DISP.TIME --:--AMERASE ?Picture -Mode / Custom /Color Tone / Size / Digital NR◆ MODE: DYNAMIC/STANDARD/MOVIE/CUSTOMYou can select the type ofpicture which bestcorresponds to your viewingrequirements.➢ You can select theseoptions simply bypressing the P.MODEbutton on the remotecontrol.◆ CUSTOM: CONTRAST/BRIGHTNESS/SHARPNESS/COLOR/TINT(NTSC only)The television has severalsettings which allow you tocontrol the picture quality.➢ If you make anychanges to thesesettings, the picturemode is automaticallyswitched to CUSTOM.◆ COLOR TONE: NORMAL/WARM1/WARM2/COOL2/COOL1◆ SIZE: NORMAL/ZOOMYou can select the picture size which best corresponds toyour viewing requirements. It is variable depending onthe model.➢ You can change the picture size simply by pressingthe P.SIZE button on the remote control.◆ DIGITAL NRIf the signal received by thetelevision is weak, you canactivate this feature toreduce any static andghosting that may appear onthe screen.MOVE ENTER RETURNTVMODE : DYNAMIC √√CUSTOM √√COLOR TONE : NORMAL √√SIZE : NORMAL √√††MOREPICTUREMOVE ENTER RETURNTVCONTRAST : 100 √√BRIGHTNESS : 65 √√SHARPNESS : 75 √√COLOR : 55 √√CUSTOM◆ LANGUAGEIt is variable depending onthe model. When you startusing the television for thefirst time, you must select thelanguage which will be usedfor displaying menus andindications.◆ BLUE SCREENIf no signal is being receivedor the signal is very weak, ablue screen automaticallyreplaces the noisy picturebackground. If you wish tocontinue viewing the poorpicture, you must set theBLUE SCREEN to OFF.◆ DEMONSTRATIONTo become familiar with thevarious menus provided bythe television, you can viewthe in built demonstration.Each of the menu options isdisplayed in turn. To exitfrom the demonstration,press the EXIT button.Setup -Language / Blue Screen /DemonstrationMOVE ENTER RETURNTV SETUPPLUG & PLAY √√LANG:ENGLISH √√TIME √√CHILD LOCK √√††MOREMOVE ENTER RETURNTV SETUP……MOREBLUE SCREEN :ON √√DEMONSTRATION √√REMINDER √√MOVE ENTER RETURNTV SETUP……MOREBLUE SCREEN :ON √√DEMONSTRATION √√REMINDER √√MOVE ENTER RETURNTVVOLUME : 10 √√MODE : CUSTOM √√CUSTOM √√EFFECT : OFF √√SOUNDMOVE ENTER RETURNTV SOUNDMOVE ENTER RETURNTV PICTURE……MOREDIGITAL NR: ON √√Sound - Volume / Mode /Custom / Effect (depending on the model)VOLUME : 10 √√MODE : CUSTOM √√CUSTOM √√EFFECT : OFF √√MOVE ENTER RETURNTV SOUNDVOLUME : 10 √√MODE : CUSTOM √√CUSTOM √√EFFECT : OFF √√MOVE ENTER RETURNTV CUSTOMBALANCE : L 50 R 50 √√BASS : 50 √√TREBLE : 50 √√AA68-03721A-04Eng_indonesia 5/3/06 10:00 AM Page 5