Solving Problems6.9Common Macintosh ProblemsProblem Possible Cause and SolutionThe printer does notprint PDF file correctly.Some parts of graphics,text, or illustrations aremissing.Incompatibility between the PDF file and theAcrobat products:Printing the PDF file as an image may solve thisproblem. Turn on Print As Image from theAcrobat printing options.N OTE:It will take longer to print when you print aPDF file as an image.The document hasprinted, but the printjob has notdisappeared from thespooler in Mac OS10.3.2.Update your Mac OS to OS 10.3.3 or higher.Some letters are notdisplayed normallyduring the Cover pageprinting.This problem is caused because Mac OS can notcreate the font during the Cover page printing.English alphabet and numbers are displayednormally at the Cover page.Common Linux ProblemsProblem Possible Cause and SolutionI can’t change settingsin the configurationtool.You need to have administrator privileges to be ableto change global settings.I am using the KDEdesktop but theconfiguration tool andLLPR won’t start.You may not have the GTK libraries installed. Theseusually come with most Linux distributions, but youmay have to install them manually. Refer to yourdistribution’s installation manual for more detailsabout installing additional packages.I just installed thispackage but can’t findentries in the KDE/Gnome menus.Some versions of the KDE or GNOME desktopenvironments may require that you restart yoursession for the changes to take effect.I get a “Some optionsare not selected” errormessage while editingthe printer settings.Some printers have conflicting settings, meaningthat some settings for two options can’t be selectedat the same time. When you change a setting andthe Printer Package detects such a conflict, theconflicting option is changed to a “No Choice” value.You have to choose an option that does not conflictbefore being able to submit the changes.I can’t make a printerthe system default.In some conditions, it may not be possible tochange the default queue. This happens with somevariants of LPRng, especially on recent RedHatsystems that use the “printconf” database ofqueues.When using printconf, the /etc./printcap file isautomatically refreshed from the database ofprinters managed by the system (usually throughthe “printtool” command), and the queues in /etc./printcap.local are appended to the resultingfile. The default queue in LPRng is defined as thefirst queue in /etc./printcap, and therefore it isnot possible for the Linux Printer Package to changethe default when some queues have otherwise beendefined using printtool.LPD systems identify the default queue as the onenamed “lp”. Thus, if there is already a queue by thisname, and if it doesn’t have an alias, then you won’tbe able to change the default. To work around this,you can either delete the queue or rename it bymanually editing the /etc./printcap file.The N-up setting doesnot work correctly forsome of mydocuments.The N-up feature is achieved through post-processing of the PostScript data that is sent to theprinting system. However, such post-processing canonly be adequately achieved if the PostScript dataconforms to the Adobe Document StructingConventions. Problems may arise when using N-upand other features that rely on post-processing ifthe document being printed isn’t compliant.