Troubleshooting_ 62Samsung Scan Manager problemsCommon Windows problemsCommon Linux problemsCONDITION SUGGESTED SOLUTIONSI cannot use theSamsung ScanManager.Check your operating system. Supportingoperating systems are Windows 2000/XP/Vista.CONDITION SUGGESTED SOLUTIONS“File in Use”message appearsduring installation.Exit all software applications. Remove allsoftware from the StartUp Group, then restartWindows. Reinstall the printer driver.“General ProtectionFault”, “ExceptionOE”, “Spool32”, or“Illegal Operation”messages appear.Close all other applications, reboot Windowsand try printing again.“Fail To Print”, “Aprinter timeout erroroccurred.” messagesappear.These messages may appear during printing.Just keep waiting until the machine finishesprinting. If the message appears in ready modeor after printing has been completed, check theconnection and/or whether an error hasoccurred.Refer to the Microsoft Windows documentation that came with yourcomputer for further information on Windows error messages.CONDITION SUGGESTED SOLUTIONSThe machine doesnot print.• Check if the printer driver is installed in yoursystem. Open Unified Driver configuratorand switch to the Printers tab in Printersconfiguration window to look at the list ofavailable printers. Make sure that yourmachine is displayed on the list. If not, invokeAdd new printer wizard to set up your device.• Check if the printer is started. Open Printersconfiguration and select your machine on theprinters list. Look at the description in theSelected printer pane. If its status contains“(stopped)” string, press the Start button.After that normal operation of the printershould be restored. The “stopped” statusmight be activated when some problems inprinting occurred. For instance, this could bean attempt to print document when port isclaimed by a scanning application.• Check if the port is not busy. Since functionalcomponents of MFP (printer and scanner)share the same I/O interface (port), thesituation of simultaneous access of different“consumer” application to the same port ispossible. To avoid possible conflicts, onlyone of them at a time is allowed to gaincontrol over the device. The other“consumer” will encounter “device busy”response. You should open portsconfiguration and select the port assigned toyour printer. In the Selected port pane youcan see if the port is occupied by some otherapplication. If this is the case, you shouldwait for completion of the current job orshould press Release port button, if you aresure that the present owner is not functioningproperly.• Check if your application has special printoption such as “-oraw”. If “-oraw” is specifiedin the command line parameter then removeit to print properly. For Gimp front-end, select“print” -> “Setup printer” and edit commandline parameter in the command item.• The CUPS (Common Unix Printing System)version distributed with SuSE Linux 9.2(cups-1.1.21) has a problem with ipp(Internet Printing Protocol) printing.Use thesocket printing instead of ipp or install laterversion of CUPS (cups-1.1.22 or higher).Some color imagescome out all black.This is a known bug in Ghostscript (until GNUGhostscript version 7.05) when the base colorspace of the document is indexed color spaceand it is converted through CIE color space.Because Postscript uses CIE color space forColor Matching System, you should upgradeGhostscript on your system to at least GNUGhostscript version 7.06 or later. You can findrecent Ghostscript versions