Understanding display messages1124. Troubleshooting8Toner-related messagesMessage Meaning Suggested solutions• Install Toner• Install tonercartridgeA toner cartridge is notinstalled.Install a toner cartridge.• Not Compatible[color] toner• Not Compatibletoner cartridgeThe toner cartridge is notsuitable for your machine.Install the correspondingtoner cartridge withaSamsung-genuinecartridge.Not original[color] tonerThe toner cartridge is not aSamsung-genuine tonercartridge.Install the correspondingtoner cartridge with aSamsung-genuinecartridge.• Prepare toner• Prepare newcartridgeSmall amount of toner is left inthe indicated cartridge. Theestimated cartridge life oftoner is close.Prepare a new cartridgefor a replacement. Youmay temporarily increasethe printing quality byredistributing the toner(see "Redistributing toner"on page 80).• Replace toner• Replace newcartridgeThe indicated toner cartridgehas almost reached itsestimated cartridge life. a• You can choose Stop orContinue as shown onthe control panel. If youselect Stop, the printerstops printing and youcannot print any morewithout changing thecartridge. If you selectContinue, the printerkeeps printing but theprinting quality cannotbe guaranteed. Besides,it can cause seriousdamage to yourmachine.• Replace the tonercartridge for the bestprint quality when thismessage appears.Using a cartridgebeyond this stage canresult in printingquality issues (see"Replacing the tonercartridge" on page 82).The indicated toner cartridgehas reached its estimatedcartridge life. a The machinemight stop printing.Replace the tonercartridge (see "Replacingthe toner cartridge" onpage 82).Message Meaning Suggested solutions