Service ManualReference information7-2 Samsung Electronics7.2 Acronyms and AbbreviationsThe table below explains the abbreviations and acronyms used in this service manual. Where abbreviationsor acronyms are used in the text please refer to this table.ADC Analog-to-Digital-ConversionAP Access PointAC Alternating CurrentASIC Application Specific IntegratedCircuitASSY AssemblyBIOS Basic Input Output SystemBLDC Motor Brushless DC MotorCLBP Color Laser Beam PrinterCMOS Complementary Metal OxideSemiconductorCMYK Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, BlackCN ConnectorCON ConnectorCPU Central Processing UnitCTD Sensor Color Toner Density SensordB DecibeldBA A-Weighted decibeldBm Decibel milliwattDC Direct CurrentDCU Diagnostic Control UnitDIMM Dual In-line Memory ModuleDPI Dot Per InchDRAM Dynamic Random Access MemoryDVM Digital VoltmeterECP Enhanced Capability PortECU Engine Control UnitEEPROM Electronically ErasableProgrammable Read Only MemoryEMI Electro Magnetic InterferenceEP Electro photographicEPP Enhanced Parallel PortF/W FirmwareFCF/FCT First Cassette Feeder/FirstCassette TrayFISO Front-In, Side-OutFPOT First Print out TimeGDI Windows Graphic Device InterfaceGIF Graphic Interchange FormatGND GroundHBP Host Based PrintingHDD Hard Disk DriveHTML Hyper Text Transfer ProtocolHV High VoltageHVPS High Voltage Power SupplyI/F InterfaceI/O Input and Outputlb Pound(s)IC Integrated CircuitICC International Color ConsortiumIDE Intelligent Drive Electronics orIntegrated Drive ElectronicsIEEE Institute of Electrical andElectronics Engineers. IncIOT Image Output Terminal (Color print-er, Copier)IPA Isopropy AlcoholIPC Inter Process CommunicationEPPEnhanced parallel Port