Service ManualProduct spec and feature2-31 Samsung Electronics3) Speaker DriverThe AOUT signal from the Si2435 modem chip is only available in the serial DTE interface mode. AOUT isa 50% duty cycle, 32kHz, square wave pulse-width modulated (PWM) by voice band audio, such as calprogress tones.Application Network PSTN (RJ-11)Communication Mode Half-Duplex, ITU V.8, V.34, V.17, V.29, V.21, V.27ter, ECMModem willauto train down only.Communication Standard ITU-T Group 3Max. Modem Speed 33.6 KbpsEncoding MH, MR, MMR, JPEG, JBIGTransfer Rate 3 seconds (standard resolution, MMR, 33.6kbps, CCITT No.1, LTR)Phase C by ITU-T No.1 Chart/Memory Transmission/ECMFax Modes Standard (203 x 98 dpi)Fine (203 x 196 dpi)Super Fine (300 x 300 dpi)Fax Contrast Adjustable 3 levels (Light/Normal/Dark)Fax Memory 4MB (About 320 Sheets of CCITT No.1 Chart at standard resolution).User selectable parameters will be stored in NVRAM.TX/RX Journal Available.Tel/ID List Available.Confirmation Reports for Upon successful transmissionSend Upon failureReduced image of first page (except OHD, and partial page forcomplexity of the images)Customer On/Off selectableManagement Reports Configuration ReportImage TCR for Memory TXTTI/RTI: TTI (Transmit Terminal Identification) printed at top of Fax Image.RTI (Receiver Terminal Identification) printed at bottom of Fax Image theTransmitting devices fax number is substituted for receiving devices faxnumber is this footer.Line Control Unit (LIU) Input Sensitivity : Not programmableOutput Level : -9 to -15 dBm (programmable)Cable Equalization : Not programmableInput/Output Impedance: per PTT requirements (programmable)DC Resistance: per PTT requirements (programmable)Insulation Resistance: Minimum 5M ohmHeader Transmission Local Machine date and time(Always On) Local Machine IDLocal Machine NameTransmit page count (3 digits)