GB-21DCB-9401R GBGB-20 D I G I T A L C A B L E R E C E I V E R4.2 OSD SettingsYou can set the OSD transparency, the display time,Color Scheme and OSD Position.● Select OSD Transparency level.The OSD Transparency level from 0 to 100%.Setting is made with the numeric keys, / keys orPG+/PG- keys. / keys : Setting in increment of 1%.PG+/PG- keys : Setting in increment of 10%.NNoottee : Transparency is applied to all color schemes.● Set the display duration of the information(banner) boxdisplayed in the screen.The time ranges from 0.5 to 60.0 seconds.Setting is made with the numeric keys, / keys or PG+/PG- keys. / keys : Adjusting in increment of 0.5sec.PG+/PG- keys : Adjusting in increment of 1 sec.● Set the Color Scheme :You can change color according to your preference.(i.e background, text, symbol, line, etc) / keys : select the color scheme mode.Color scheme 1 : changes the menu to sky blue color.Color scheme 2 : changes the menu to green color.Color scheme 3 : changes the menu to dark brown color.User defined : Sets the color according to user preference.EPG colors : Sets the color in the EPG menu.NNoottee : Color scheme 1, 2 and 3 may be changed in the futureby upgrading software.OPERATING THE RECEIVERe PIN CodePIN Code, select the second option “Changeyou to the following menu:you need to enter the current PIN Code atr, and at the second cursor enter the desiredu need to enter the new PIN Code again.ber the PIN Code should be a 4 digit numerical value.Y PRESET PIN Code : 0 0 0 0.Setupables you to change the factory presets as per your Selectionge Selection” option allows the user to selectnguage of the OSD, Soundtrack, Teletext, Subtitlever, these languages for Soundtrack, Teletext,PG depend on broadcasting.even the language for Subtitle can be selected,supported because of no Subtitle on the program.odate user there are 2 OSD languages availableuages supported for soundtracks, subtitles ande desired language menu, press / keys toguage and press OK.track, Teletext, Subtitle will vary according to theguage.OPERATING THE RECEIVER105 11/5/04 11:38 AM Page 20