491) Open the door and unscrew the screws of FrontFrame and Front Tub (12 screws)[Caution]- When you unscrew all the screws, the Front Tub mayspring closed, be careful.2) After separating the Fan Motor terminal, put the FrontFrame assembly down on the floor.3) Disassemble the terminal connected to theDISPENSER. You must disassemble both the left andright terminals.4) Unscrew 6 screws securing the DISPENSER.It is fixed to the tub front with a hook. Use a flatscrewdriver to remove it from the tub front.※ Check List▶ Because there is a risk of leakage afterreplacement, check whether it is sealedproperly.▶ The voltage on the terminals should measure120VAC or a resistance of ~2.3ΩDispenser Replacement1. 2.3.4.Open the door and unscrew the screws of Front Frame and Front Tub (12 screws)[Caution] - When you unscrew all the screws, the Front Door may spring closed, becareful. After separating the Fan Motor terminal, put the Front Frame assemblydown onto the floor. Disassemble the wiring connected to the DISPENSER. Youmust disassemble both the left and right terminals. Unscrew 6 screws securing theDISPENSER. It is fixed to the tub front with a hook. Use a flat screwdriver toremove it from the tub front.