58Short MessagesThe SMS (Short Message Service) feature is anetwork service and may not be supported by yournetwork. Messages can be sent by fax, Internet,Paging, ERMES or X.400 messaging systems, providedthat these services are supported by your network. Tosend short messages by phone, you must obtain thenumber of the SMS centre from your service provider.When the icon appears, you have received newshort messages. If the message memory is full, anerror message is displayed and you cannot receiveany new messages. Use the Delete option in theRead All Messages menu (3-1) to delete obsoletemessages.Read All Messages Menu 3-1When the Read All Messages option is selected,the header of the first message is displayed:• Message number• Message status (New, Received, Saved, Sent)To view this message, press the View soft key. Thescreen shows the:• Message text• Sender’s phone number (if sent with the message)• Date and time at which the message was receivedTo scroll through the messages, press the soft keyor the or keys on the left side of the phone.