137ToolsView a file› In the application list, select1 My Files.Select a folder.2 To move up one level in the file directory, select● .To return to the Home directory, select● .Select a file.3From the folder list, press the Option key to access thefollowing options:To create folders for managing files, select● Create folder.To delete files or folders, select● Delete.To search for files saved in your device, select● Search.To change the view mode, select● View by.To sort files or folders, select● Sort by.To send a file to others or share it, select● Share via.To copy or move the files or folders to another file folder,●select Copy or Move.To change the name of a file or a folder, select● Rename.To change the file manager settings, select● Settings.NFCYour device allows you to read near field communication(NFC) tags that contain information about products. Youcan also use this feature to make payments and buy ticketsfor transportation or events after downloading the requiredapplications.The battery contains a built-in NFC antenna. Handle thebattery carefully to avoid damaging the NFC antenna.If the screen is locked, your device will not read NFCtags or receive data.