Communication65To delete the message, select● .To mark the message as important, select● .To mark the message as unread, press the Option key and●select Mark as unread.To move the message to another folder, press the Option●key and select Move.To save the message to your device, press the Option key●and select Save email. The message will be saved in MyFiles → sdcard0 → Saved Email.To print the message via Wi-Fi or USB, press the Option key●and select Print. Your device is compatible only with someSamsung printers.To create a new message, press the Option key and select●Compose.To save the email addresses of the recipients to the●phonebook as a group of contacts, press the Option keyand select Save as group.To change the font size, press the Option key and select●Font size.To change the email settings, press the Option key and●select Settings.To save an attachment to your device, select the●attachment tab → .The options available may vary depending on the emailaccount.