34Getting startedRemove an item from the Home screen›Tap and hold an item, and then drag it to the rubbish bin.Customise the quick access panel›You can customise the quick access panel at the bottomof the Home screen by adding or removing applicationshortcuts.To remove an application icon, tap and hold the icon, and●then drag it to the rubbish bin.To add an application shortcut, tap and hold a new●application shortcut on the Home screen, and then drag itto the empty location.› Add or remove a panel from the Home screenYou can add or remove Home screen panels to organisewidgets.On the Home screen, place two fingers on the screen and1 pinch them together to switch to Edit mode.Add, remove, or reorganise panels:2 To remove a panel, tap and hold the panel’s thumbnail●image, and then drag it to the rubbish bin.To add a new panel, select● .