Communication52To open the keypad, press the Option key and select●Keypad.To converse with the other party via a Bluetooth headset,●press the Option key and select Switch to headset.To deactivate the speakerphone feature, press the Option●key and select Speaker off.To apply emotional icons to your image, press the Option●key and select Animated emotions.To apply decorative icons to your image, press the Option●key and select Theme view.To change the view mode to the cartoon view, press the●Option key and select Enable cartoon view.Tap and hold the other party’s image to access the●following options:To capture the other party’s image, select- Capture image.To record a video of the other party’s image, select-Record video.It is illegal in many areas to record a call withoutpermission. Always ask the other party for permissionbefore recording a call.View and dial a missed call›Your device will show missed calls. To return the call, tapthe indicator icons area and drag it downwards to openthe notifications panel, and then select the missed callnotification.