116About DeviceView information about your device, including status, legalinformation, hardware and software versions, and a tutorial.1. From a Home screen, press the Menu Key ➔ Settings➔ About device.2. Touch items to view details:• Status: View Battery status, Battery level, Serial number, Wi-FiMAC address, Bluetooth address, and Up time.• Battery use: Display processes and applications that are running.Touch and hold on an item to view details.• Legal information: Display Open source licenses, Licensesettings, and Google legal information.Tip: To find your device’s DivX® registration code and information aboutregistering your device to play DivX protected video, touchLicense settings ➔ DivX® VOD.• System tutorial: View a tutorial to help you learn how to use yourdevice. Follow the prompts to move through the tutorial topics.• Model number: Display your device’s model number.• Firmware version: Display the firmware version of your device.• Kernel version: Display the kernel version of your device.• Build number: Display your device’s build number.