Web and Social Networking 51Browser MenuWhile viewing a web page, press the Menu Key for options:• Add bookmark: Create a bookmark for the current page.• Find on page: Search for content on the current page.• Download manager: View and manage recent downloads.• Brightness: Set the display’s brightness.• Settings: Customize the Browser (see Browser Settings).• More:– Print: Print the webpage by way of Wi-Fi on a supported, Wi-Fi-enabledprinter.– Share page: Use Bluetooth, Email, or Gmail to send the page’s URL.– Page info: View information about the current page, including the URL.Browser Settings1. From a Home screen, touch Browser .2. Press the Menu Key ➔ Settings:• Page content settings– Default zoom: Choose a default zoom level for web pages.– Open pages in overview: When enabled, displays an overview ofnewly-opened pages.– Text encoding: Choose a default character set for web pages.– Block pop-up windows: When enabled, blocks pop-up windows.– Load images: When enabled, images are automatically loaded whenyou visit a page. When disabled, images are indicated by a link, whichyou can touch to download the picture.– Auto-fit pages: When enabled, the Browser automatically sizes webpages to fit your device’s display.– Landscape view only: When enabled, all pages display in the widerlandscape orientation (rotate your device to view pages in landscapemode).– Enable JavaScript: When enabled, the Browser automatically runsJavaScript scripts on pages you visit.– Enable plug-ins: When enabled, the Browser automatically loads andruns plug-ins on pages you visit.– Open in background: When enabled, new windows open behind thecurrent window.– Set home page: View and set the default first page that displays whenyou launch the Browser.– Default storage: The default location for downloads (not configurable).• Privacy settings– Clear cache: Delete content and databases stored on the device.– Clear history: Delete the list of previously-visited pages.– Accept cookies: When enabled, allows Browser to save and readcookie information used by web pages.– Clear all cookie data: Delete cookie information saved to the device.– Remember form data: When enabled, stores information you enterinto forms to make future forms easier.– Clear form data: Deletes saved form information.