Understanding Your Device 30Removing Widgets Touch and hold the Widget then slide it toward the topof the screen until the Remove icon displays, thendrop the application over the icon.Widget OptionsThe following widgets are available.• AccuWeather.com: Display the forecast from AccuWeather.Touch the widget to choose locations.• Analog clock: Display an analog clock. Touch the widget to viewalarms or add a new alarm. For more information, refer to“Alarm” on page 138.• Application monitor: This application acts as a task managerthat monitors and controls active or downloaded programs, RAM,or Storage. For more information, refer to “Task Manager” onpage 11.• Bookmark: Choose one of your bookmarks then touch the widgetto open the website.• Bookmarks: Display your bookmarked websites. Sweep up ordown to view all bookmarks and touch an entry to open thewebsite. For more information, refer to “Internet” on page 77.• Calendar: Displays a list of your events. For moreinformation, refer to “S Planner” on page 154.• Contact: Display a link to one of your contacts to quicklycompose an Email or Gmail message. For more information, referto “Messaging” on page 60.• Contact: Display a shortcut to one of your contact entries. Formore information, refer to “Contacts” on page 51.• Digital clock: Display the digital time, the day, and the date.• Directions & Navigation: Get directions and navigation fromGoogle Maps. For more information, refer to “Maps” onpage 87.• DropboxTM Folder: An application that let’s you take your photos,docs, and videos anywhere. For more information, refer to“Dropbox” on page 142.• Dual clock (analog): Display the date and time for twodifferent locations using analog clocks. For moreinformation, refer to “Dual Clock” on page 143.• Dual clock (digital): Display the date and time for twodifferent locations using a digital format. For moreinformation, refer to “Dual Clock” on page 143.