51ContactsStore contact information for your friends, family, andcolleagues to quickly access information or to send amessage.To access Contacts: From a Home screen, touch Apps➔ Contacts.Creating Contacts1. From a Home screen, touch Apps➔ Contacts ➔ .2. Touch Device or an account.3. Touch the Photo ID to set up a photo to identify thecontact.• Picture: Choose a photo from the Gallery.• Take picture: Display the Camera and take a photo of thecontact.4. Touch contact fields to display the keyboard and enterinformation:Tip: Touch the screen and swipe up or down to displayadditional fields or touch Next on the keyboard to move tothe next field.• Name: Enter a first name for the contact. Touch to enter aName prefix, Last Name, Middle name, Family name andName suffix.• Phone: Enter a telephone number, then touch the Labeltab to choose a label from Mobile, Home, Work, Work Fax,Home Fax, Pager, Other, Custom, or Callback.• Email: Enter an email address, then touch the Label tabto choose a label from Work, Home, Mobile, Other, or Customto create a custom label.• Address: Enter an address, then touch the Label tab tochoose a label from Home, Work, Other, or Custom to createa custom label.• Events: Touch to display an event label and field. Enterthe event date, then touch the Label tab to choose a labelfrom Birthday, Anniversary, Other, or Custom to create acustom event. Touch to add additional events.