Tools95› Use the count-down timerIn Menu mode, select1 Clock → Timer.Set the length of time to count down.2 To change the alarm sound, select .Select3 Start to begin the countdown.You can now use other functions with the timer countingdown in the background. Press the Home key and accessanother application.When the timer expires, drag4 left to stop the alert.My filesLearn to quickly and easily access all of your images, videos,music, sound clips, and other types of files stored on thedevice or a memory card.› Supported file formatsYour device supports the following file formats:Type Supported formatImage bmp, jpg, gif, png, tif, wbmpVideo mp4, 3gpSound wav, mmf, xmf, imy, midi, amr, mp3, aac, m4a,wmaThemes smtOthers doc, docx, pdf, ppt, pptx, txt, xls, xlsx, htm,html, vbm, vcf, vcs, vnt, jad, jar, crt, der