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2000. Bet ween t hem , t he st udies invest igat ed any possible associat ionbet ween t he use of wireless phones and prim ary brain cancer, gliom a,m eningiom a, or acoust ic neurom a, t um ors of t he brain or salivary gland,leukem ia, or ot her cancers. None of t he st udies dem onst rat ed t heexist ence of any har m ful healt h effect s from wireless phones RFexposures. However, none of t he st udies can answer quest ions aboutlong- t erm exposures, since t he average period of phone use in t hesest udies was around t hree years.W ha t r e se a r ch is ne e de d t o de cide w he t he r RF e x posur e fr omw ir e le ss phone s pose s a h e a lt h r isk ?A com binat ion of laborat ory st udies and epidem iological st udies of peopleact ually using wireless phones would provide som e of t he dat a t hat areneeded. Lifet im e anim al exposure st udies could be com plet ed in a fewyears. However, very large num bers of anim als would be needed t oprovide reliable proof of a cancer prom ot ing effect if one exist s.Epidem iological st udies can provide dat a t hat is direct ly applicable t ohum an populat ions, but t en or m ore years' follow- up m ay be needed t oprovide answers about som e healt h effect s, such as cancer. This isbecause t he int erval bet ween t he t im e of exposure t o a cancer- causingagent and t he t im e t um ors develop - if t hey do - m ay be m any, m anyyears. The int erpret at ion of epidem iological st udies is ham pered bydifficult ies in m easuring act ual RF exposure during day- t o- day use ofwireless phones. Many fact ors affect t his m easurem ent , such as t he angleat which t he phone is held, or which m odel of phone is used.W ha t is FD A doing t o find out m or e a bout t he possible he a lt he ffe ct s of w ir e le ss phone RF?FDA is working w it h t he U.S. Nat ional Toxicology Program and wit hgroups of invest igat ors around t he world t o ensure t hat high priorit yanim al st udies are conduct ed t o address im port ant quest ions about t heeffect s of exposure t o radio frequency energy ( RF) .FDA has been a leading part icipant in t he World Healt h Or ganizat ionint ernat ional Elect rom agnet ic Fields ( EMF) Proj ect since it s incept ion in1996. An influent ial result of t his work has been t he developm ent of adet ailed agenda of r esearch needs t hat has driven t he est ablishm ent ofnew research program s around t he world. The Proj ect has also helpeddevelop a series of public inform at ion docum ent s on EMF issues.FDA and Cellular Telecom m unicat ions & I nt ernet Associat ion ( CTI A) havea form al Cooperat ive Research and Developm ent Agreem ent ( CRADA) t odo research on wireless phone safet y. FDA provides t he scient ificoversight , obt aining input from expert s in governm ent , indust ry, andacadem ic organizat ions. CTI A- funded research is conduct ed t hroughcont ract s t o independent invest igat ors. The init ial research will includebot h laborat ory st udies and st udies of wireless phone users. The CRADAwill also include a broad assessm ent of addit ional research needs in t hecont ext of t he lat est research developm ent s around t he world. |
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