( 6 inches) from t heir pacem aker when t he phone is swit ched on.z should not carry t he phone in a breast pocket .z should use t he ear opposit e t he pacem aker t o m inim ize pot ent ialint erference.I f you have any reason t o suspect t hat int erference is t aking place, swit chyour phone off im m ediat ely.H e a r ing AidsSom e digit al wireless phones m ay int erfere wit h som e hearing aids. I n t heevent of such int erference, you m ay wish t o consult your hearing aidm anufact urer t o discuss alt ernat ives.Ot he r M e dica l D e vice sI f you use any ot her personal m edical devices, consult t he m anufact urerof your device t o det erm ine if it is adequat ely shielded from ext ernal RFenergy. Your physician m ay be able t o assist you in obt aining t hisinform at ion. Sw it ch your phone off in healt h care facilit ies w hen anyregulat ions post ed in t hese areas inst ruct you t o do so. Hospit als orhealt h care facilit ies m ay be using equipm ent t hat could be sensit ive t oext ernal RF energy.Ve hicle sRF signals m ay affect im properly inst alled or inadequat ely shieldedelect ronic syst em s in m ot or vehicles. Check wit h t he m anufact urer or it srepresent at ive regarding your vehicle. You should also consult t hem anufact urer of any equipm ent t hat has been added t o your vehicle.Post e d Fa cilit ie sSwit ch your phone off in any facilit y where post ed not ices require you t odo so.Pot e nt ia lly Ex plosive Env ir onm e nt sSwit ch your phone off when in any area wit h a pot ent ially explosiveat m osphere and obey all signs and inst ruct ions. Sparks in such areascould cause an explosion or fire result ing in bodily inj ury or even deat h.Users are advised t o swit ch t he phone off while at a refueling point( service st at ion) . Users are rem inded of t he need t o observe rest rict ionson t he use of radio equipm ent in fuel depot s ( fuel st orage and dist ribut ionareas) , chem ical plant s or where blast ing operat ions are in progress.Areas wit h a pot ent ially explosive at m osphere are oft en but not alwaysclearly m arked. They include below deck on boat s, chem ical t ransfer orst orage facilit ies, vehicles using liquefied pet roleum gas ( such as propaneor but ane) , areas w here t he air cont ains chem icals or part icles, such asgrain, dust or m et al powders, and any ot her area where you wouldnorm ally be advised t o t urn off your vehicle engine.Em e r ge ncy Ca llsThis phone, like any wireless phone, operat es using radio signals, wirelessand landline net works as well as user program m ed funct ions, which