Nat ional inst it ut e for Occupat ional Safet y and Healt h ( NI OSH) :ht t p: / / niosh/ em m l World healt h Organizat ion ( WHO) :ht t p: / / / peh- em f/ I nt ernat ional Com m ission on Non- I onizing Radiat ion Prot ect ion:ht t p: / / Nat ional Radiat ion Prot ect ion Board ( UK) :ht t p: / / Updat ed 4/ 3/ 2002: US food and Drug Adm inist rat ion d Sa fe t yYour wireless phone gives you t he powerful abilit y t o com m unicat e byvoice, alm ost anyw here, anyt im e. But an im port ant responsibilit yaccom panies t he benefit s of wireless phones, one t hat every user m ustuphold.When driving a car, driving is your first responsibilit y. When using yourwireless phone behind t he wheel of a car, pract ice good com m on senseand rem em ber t he following t ips:1. Get t o know your wireless phone and it s feat ures, such as speeddial and redial. I f available, t hese feat ures help you t o place yourcall wit hout t aking your at t ent ion off t he road.2. When available, use a hands- free device. I f possible, add anaddit ional layer of convenience and safet y t o your wireless phonewit h one of t he m any hands free accessories available t oday.3. Posit ion your wireless phone wit hin easy reach. Be able t o accessyour wireless phone wit hout rem oving your eyes from t he road. I fyou get an incom ing call at an inconvenient t im e, let your voicem ail answer it for you.4. Let t he person you are speaking wit h know you are driving; ifnecessary, suspend t he call in heavy t raffic or hazardous weat hercondit ions. Rain, sleet , snow, ice and even heavy t raffic can behazardous.5. Do not t ake not es or look up phone num bers while driving. Jot t ingdown a “ t o do” list or flipping t hrough your address book t akesat t ent ion away from your prim ary responsibilit y, driving safely.6. Dial sensibly and assess t he t raffic; if possible, place calls whenyou are not m oving or before pulling int o t raffic. Try t o plan callswhen your car will be st at ionary. I f you need t o m ake a call whilem oving, dial only a few num bers, check t he road and your m irrors,t hen cont inue.7. Do not engage in st ressful or em ot ional conversat ions t hat m ay bedist ract ing. Make people you are t alking wit h aware you are driving