and landline net works as well as user program m ed funct ions, whichcannot guarant ee connect ion in all condit ions. Therefore, you shouldnever rely solely on any wireless phone for essent ial com m unicat ions( m edical em ergencies, for exam ple) .Rem em ber, t o m ake or receive any calls t he phone m ust be swit ched onand in a service area wit h adequat e signal st rengt h. Em ergency calls m aynot be possible on all wireless phone net works or when cert ain net workservices and/ or phone feat ures are in use. Check wit h local serviceproviders.To m ake an em ergency call:1. I f t he phone is not on, swit ch it on.2. Key in t he em ergency num ber for your present locat ion ( forexam ple, 911 or ot her official em ergency num ber) . Em ergencynum bers vary by locat ion.3. Press .I f cert ain feat ures are in use ( call barring, for exam ple) , you m ay firstneed t o deact ivat e t hose feat ures before you can m ake an em ergency call.Consult t his docum ent and your local cellular service provider.When m aking an em ergency call, rem em ber t o give all t he necessaryinform at ion as accurat ely as possible. Rem em ber t hat your phone m ay bet he only m eans of com m unicat ion at t he scene of an accident ; do not cutoff t he call unt il given perm ission t o do so.Re st r ict ing Childr e n's a cce ss t o you r PhoneYour phone is not a t oy. Children should not be allowed t o play wit h itbecause t hey could hurt t hem selves and ot hers, dam age t he phone orm ake calls t hat increase your phone bill.FCC N ot ice a nd Ca ut ionsFCC N ot iceThis device com plies wit h Part 15 of t he FCC Rules. Operat ion issubj ect t o t he following t wo condit ions: ( 1) t his device m ay not causeharm ful int erference, and ( 2) t his device m ust accept any int erferencereceived, including int erference t hat m ay cause undesired operat ion. This equipm ent has been t est ed and found t o com ply wit h t helim it s for a Class B digit al device, pursuant t o part 15 of t he FCCRules. These lim it s are designed t o provide reasonable prot ect ionagainst harm ful int erference in a resident ial inst allat ion. Thisequipm ent generat es, uses and can radiat e radio frequency energyand, if not inst alled and used in accordance wit h t he inst ruct ions,m ay cause harm ful int erference t o radio com m unicat ions. However,t here is no guarant ee t hat int erference will not occur in a part icularinst allat ion. I f t his equipm ent does cause harm ful int erference t oradio or t elevision r ecept ion, which can be det erm ined by t urningt he equipm ent off and on, t he user is encouraged t o t ry t o correct