Accessing Recently-Used Apps1. Press and hold from any screen to open therecently-used applications window.2. Tap an icon to open the selected application.– or –Tap one of the following icons at the bottom of thescreen:• Task manager : to go to the Task manager.• Google Search : to go to the Google Search where youcan search by text or voice.• Delete : to delete the record of all recently usedapplications.Customizing Your Home ScreenYou can customize your Home screen by doing the following:• Creating Shortcuts• Adding and Removing Widgets on the Home Screen• Repositioning Widgets• Creating Folders• Changing the Wallpaper• Adding and Deleting Home ScreensCreating ShortcutsShortcuts are different than the current Home screen widgetsthat only launch an application. Shortcuts activate a feature,action, or launch an application.Adding a shortcut from the Apps Menu1. Press to activate the main Home screen.2. Navigate to the desired Home Page.3. Tap to display your current applications.4. Scroll through the list and locate your desiredapplication.5. Touch and hold the application icon.6. While still holding the, position it on the current page.Once complete, release the screen to lock the newshortcut into its new position on the current screen.This creates an immediate shortcut of the selectedicon and closes the Apps tab.29