Applications 145Additional Video Features1. From the Apps screen, tap Video.2. Press and then tap an available option:• Sort by: allows you to sort current videos by TItle, Date, Size,or Type.• View as: allows you to display the on-screen video images aseither a List, Thumbnail, or Folders.• Share via: allows you to share a selected video with externalsources.• Delete: allows you to delete selected videos.• Edit: allows you to edit a selected video file.• Auto play next: allows you to play videos consecutively. Once avideo ends, the next available video begins to play.• Information: provides on-screen information about theapplication.• Settings: allows you to configure application functions such as:Default storage, Auto update apps, and About services.• Help: displays an on-screen set of application-related Helptopics.Using Picture-In-PictureThis feature can be used during playback of supported videotypes using either the Gallery, Play Videos, or Video player.Note: Some applications might not allow this video to remainactive in the foreground (ex: Camera/Camcorderscreen).This feature allows you to continue to view your video as abackground operation while you multi-task and do otherthings, such as surf the Internet, access your Contacts list,look for a picture, and so on.1. From the Home screen, tap Apps.2. Tap the desired video playback application.3. Tap the desired video to begin playback.Note: The Picture-In-Picture feature only works when usingthe Video player application. Other video players (ex:YouTube), do not support this feature.