HangoutsHangouts is an online place to meetfriends and family, share photos, andhost video calls. Conversation logs areautomatically saved to a Chats area inyour Gmail account.Visit to learn more.MapsUse Google Maps to find your currentlocation, get directions, and otherlocation-based information.Visit to learn more.Note: You must enable location services touse Maps. Please see Location Services.PhotosThis application automatically backs upyour photos and videos to your Google+account.Play BooksWith Google Play Books, you can findmillions of free e-books and hundreds ofthousands more to buy in the eBookstore.Visit to learnmore.Play GamesDiscover hundreds of games for downloadand purchase through the Google PlayStore.Visit to learn more.Play Movies & TVWatch movies and TV shows purchasedfrom Google Play. You can stream theminstantly, or download them for viewingwhen you are not connected to theInternet. You can also view videos savedon your device.Visit tolearn more.Play MusicWith Google Play Music, you can playmusic and audio files on your device.Visit to learnmore.Play NewsstandSubscribe to your favorite magazines toread on your device at your leisure.Visit tolearn more.Play StoreFind new apps, movies and TV shows,music, books, magazines, and games inGoogle Play Store.Visit to learn more.Voice SearchUse voice commands to search the webwith Google.YouTubeView and upload YouTube videos rightfrom your device.Visit to learn more.Applications 32 Google Applications