Settings 159VibrationsChoose vibrations to play for notifications, such as for incoming calls, new messages, and eventreminders.1. From home, tap Apps > Settings.2. Tap Sounds and notifications > Vibrations to choose a vibration.3. Tap a vibration to play a sample and select the vibration, or tap CREATE to create your ownpattern.4. Tap OK to save the setting.Notification RingtoneChoose a ringtone for notifications, such as for new messages and event reminders.1. From home, tap Apps > Settings.2. Tap Sounds and notifications > Notification ringtone, and then tap a ringtone to play asample and select the sound.3. Tap OK to save the setting.Other SoundsSet sound settings for other system functions, such as touching the keypad, haptic feedback, and so on.1. From home, tap Apps > Settings.2. Tap Sounds and notifications > Other sounds for options: Dialing keypad tone: Play tones when you tap keys on the Phone keypad. Screen lock sound: Play tones when you touch the screen to lock or unlock it. Touch sounds: Play tones when you tap or touch the screen to make selections. Haptic feedback: Set the phone to vibrate when you tap the Recent Apps key and Backkeys, and for certain screen touches. Emergency tone: Play a tone or have your phone vibrate, periodically during an emergencycall. Sound when tapped: Play a tone when tapping the Samsung keyboard. Vibrate when tapped: Set the phone to vibrate when tapping the Samsung keyboard.