Safety AssistanceReceive real-time informationabout emergencies and severeweather conditions.You can also enable Emergencymode (a power-conserving modewhich restricts certain apps andfunctions while allowing accessto Messages, Contacts, andemergency calls).Emergency ModeUse Emergency mode to conserve batterypower during emergencies. Power-hungry appsand functions are disable, but you are still ableto send messages, use Contacts, and makeemergency calls.1. From a Home screen, tap Apps >Settings > Safety assistance.2. Tap Emergency mode.3. Tap ON/OFF to turn the feature on.Geo NewsReceive information about weather, environmentalsituations, and geological information for yourlocation during emergencies.1. From a Home screen, tap Apps >Settings > Safety assistance.2. Tap Geo News.3. Tap ON/OFF to turn the feature on.4. Tap Geo News notification pop-ups to receivepop-up alerts.Send Help MessagesSend a quick alert to your primary contacts whenyou are in an emergency situation.To enable this feature:1. From a Home screen, tap Apps >Settings > Safety assistance.2. Tap Send help messages.3. Tap OFF/ON to turn the feature on.• Tap Send pictures to send photos taken withthe front and back cameras to your emergencycontacts.• Tap Send sound recording to send a shortaudio message to your emergency contacts.To send a help messages:► Press the Power/Lock key quickly three times.Manage Primary ContactsSelect contacts or create new ones to be youremergency contacts. These contacts automaticallyreceive your help message.1. From a Home screen, tap Apps >Settings > Safety assistance.2. Tap Manage primary contacts.3. Tap Create primary contact:• Tap Create contact to enter a name andphone number for a new emergency contact.• Tap Select from contacts to designate acontact to be an emergency contact.Settings 105 Safety Assistance