Entering Text 35Section 4: Entering TextThis section describes how to enter words, letters, punctuationand numbers when you need to enter text.Virtual QWERTY KeyboardYour device uses a virtual QWERTY keyboard for text entry. Usethe keyboard to enter letters, punctuation, numbers, and othercharacters into text entry fields or applications. Access thekeyboard by touching any text entry field.The virtual QWERTY keyboard displays at the bottom of thescreen. By default, when you rotate the device, the screenorientation updates to display the keyboard at the bottom of thescreen.Text Input MethodsYour device offers two text input methods:• Swype: Swype is a new text input method that allows you to enterwords by gliding your finger over the virtual QWERTY keyboard, liftingyour finger between words. You can also enable Word prediction,which matches your key touches to common words.• Samsung Keypad: The Samsung Keyboard is a virtual QWERTYkeyboard that allows you to enter text by touching keys on the screen.The Samsung Keypad includes predictive text, which matches yourkey touches to common words so that you can select the word to enterit into your text.Changing the Input MethodWhen entering text, you can select the text input method. Touch and hold on a text input field, then select an inputmethod:• Swype• Samsung keypadSwype Keyboard in New Message