Applications and Development 129• Layers - Allows you to switch map views. See previous description.• Mute - Allows you to mute the audio readout and directional information.• Exit Navigation - Terminates the application.• More - Provides additional application information such as: Help andTerms, Privacy & Notices.Caution!: Navigation is a beta product. Use caution.News & WeatherThe News & Weather application allows you to view the news andweather in your area.1. From the Home screen, tap (Applications) ➔(News & Weather).2. Select from any of the available scrollable tabs located atthe top of the screen: Weather, Top Stories, Canada, Sports,and Entertainment.3. Tap the temperature to display a graph mapping the daystemperature and humidity.4. While on the Weather screen, press to display thefollowing options:• Refresh - Allows you to refresh the screen. Your location and theweather is updated if there have been any changes.• Settings - Allows you to set weather, news, and refresh settings.– Weather settings - Allows you to choose location(s) and set themetric for temperature displays.– News settings - Allows you to choose topics, configure settings forfetching articles and images, and view the terms of service for newsservice.– Refresh settings - Allows you to choose options for updating content.– Application version - Displays the application version number.To access the settings:1. Press and then tap Settings.2. Tap an available option: Weather settings, News settings,Refresh settings or Application version.PlacesGoogle Places displays company logos on a layer of GoogleMaps. When viewing an area you can quickly locate a business orperson, find out more information about the business, seecoupons, public responses, and more.1. From the Home screen, tap (Applications) ➔(Places).2. Use the Find places field to manually enter a desired placeor choose from among the various categories. Matches arefiltered by those closest to your current location.