14Important!: Before the initial configuration, you quickly access emergencyservices by tapping Emergency call and using the on-screen dialer.1. Press and hold until the phone switches on.The phone searches for your network and after finding it,you can make or receive calls.Note: The display language is preset to English at the factory. To change thelanguage, use the Language menu. For more information, refer to“Language & Keyboard Settings” on page 177.2. Press and hold until the Phone options screenappears.3. Tap Power Off ( ).Locking and Unlocking the PhoneBy default, the phone screen locks when the backlight turns off. Place your finger on the screen and swipe the glass in anyof the directions shown to unlock the phone.Note: You can choose to configure lock settings to prevent unauthorized useof your phone. For more information, refer to “Setting up SIM CardLock” on page 170.