Connecting a DVD PlayerThe rear panel jacks on your TV make it easy to connect a DVD player to your TV.Connecting to Y,P B,PR1 Connect a set of audiocables between theCOMPONENT (1 or 2)AUDIO (L,R) IN jacks on theTV and the AUDIO OUTjacks on the DVD player.2 To enable Component videoviewing, connect a set ofvideo cables between theCOMPONENT (1 or 2)VIDEO (Y, P B, P R) IN jackson the TV and VIDEO (Y,PB, P R (or Y, C B, C R) OUTjacks on the DVD player.Note: For an explanation ofComponent video, see yourDVD player's owner'smanual.Connecting to audio and video jacks1 Connect a set of audiocables between the AUDIOIN (1 or 2) jacks on the TVand the AUDIO OUT jackson the DVD player.2 Connect a video cablebetween the VIDEO IN (1or 2) jack on the TV and theVIDEO OUT jack on theDVD player.21Connecting a CamcorderThe side panel jacks on your TV make it easy to connect a camcorder to your TV.You can use your camcorder to view tapes without using a VCR.1 Locate the A/V output jackson the camcorder. They areusually found on the side orback of the camcorder.2 Connect a set of audiocables between the AUDIOIN jacks on the TV and theAUDIO OUT jacks on thecamcorder. If you havemono camcorder, connectL(mono) to camcorder audioout using only one audiocable.3 Connect a video cablebetween the VIDEO IN (orS-VIDEO IN) jack on the TVand the VIDEO OUT jackon the camcorder. Theaudio-video cables shownhere are usually includedwith a Camcorder. (If not,check your local electronicsstore.) If your camcorder isstereo, you need to connecta set of two cables.Connections20CamcorderOutput JacksTV Side Panel CamcorderTV Rear PanelDVD PlayerIncomingCable orAntennaTV Rear PanelDVD PlayerIncomingCable orAntenna