English Using the MenusPicture Menu PictureOption DescriptionMode Selects the type of picture settings that best correspond toyour viewing preferences or requirements. Presets a higherbrightness, contrast, and sharpness to the picture.DynamicRecommended for use in bright room conditions.StandardRecommended for use in a normal viewing condition.MovieCorresponding to the conditions used in movie,recommended for use in darker viewing conditions.■■■Backlight /Contrast /Brightness /Sharpness /Colour /Tint(G/R)Your television has several setting options that allow you tocontrol the picture quality.BacklightAdjusts the brightness of LCD back light.ContrastIncreases or decreases the brightness in white areas of thepicture. Too little contrast and the picture may seem dark;too much contrast and the picture will lose details in whiteimages.BrightnessIncreases or decreases the overall brightness of thepicture, but best used to adjust the black level of the image.Too little brightness and shadow detail will be lost; too muchbrightness and blacks will be gray and washed out.SharpnessIncreases or decreases the apparent detail in the picture.Too little sharpness and the image might look soft. Toomuch sharpness can add false edges to objects or canmake noise more noticeable.ColourIncreases or decreases colour saturation levels in thepicture. Too little colour and the image will be black andwhite (undersaturated); too much colour and the image willlook oversaturated and cartoonish.Tint(G/R)Changes the picture hue from reddish to a greenishappearance.■■■■■■Advanced Settings Samsung’s new TVs allow you to make even more precisepicture settings than previous models.Black Tone → Off / Dark / Darker / DarkestIncreases the picture’s shadow detail by lightening theblack level (ie changing the gamma) at low levels. This ismost commonly used for watching movies with dark scenesto keep the picture from appearing washed out in brightrooms.Dynamic Contrast → Off / Low / Medium / HighIncreases or decreases the difference between thebrightest and darkest portions of the image with changingscenes. Shadows are more visible with dark scenes, whilecontrast is enhanced with bright scenes.■■Press the TOOLS button todisplay the Tools menu. Youcan also set the picture modeby selecting Tools → PictureMode.■Only analogue TV, Ext., AVmodes of the PAL system,you cannot use the Tint(G/R)Function.When you make changes toBacklight, Contrast, Brightness,Sharpness, Colour or Tint(G/R), the OSD will be adjustedaccordingly.In PC mode, you can only makechanges to Backlight, Contrastand Brightness.Settings can be adjusted andstored for each external deviceyou have connected to an inputof the TV.The energy consumed during usecan be significantly reduced if thebrightness level of the picture islowered, which will reduce theoverall running cost.■■■■■Advanced Settings is available inStandard or Movie mode.In PC mode, you can onlymake changes to Gamma andWhite Balance from among theAdvanced Settings items.■■Mode : Standard ►Backlight : 7Contrast : 95Brightness : 45Sharpness : 50Colour : 50Tint (G / R) : G50 / R50PictureColour : 50Tint (G / R) : G50 / R50Advanced Settings ►Picture OptionsPicture ResetPicture