Drain Pipe and Drain Hose InstallationE-16INSTALLING THE INDOOR UNITCare must be taken when installing the drain hose for the indoor unitto ensure that any condensate water is correctly drained outside. Thedrain hose can be installed to the right or left side of the base pan.Install the drain hose as short as possible.1Insulate the drain hose and then fix it as a picture.2 Give a 0.12 inch slant to the drain hose for proper drainage ofcondensate. Secure the drain hose with the cable-tie not to be separatedfrom the unit. The drain pump connection port is used when using a drainpump.NNNN oooo tttt eeee Assemble flexible hose with clamps between indoor unit anddrain pipe. Flexible hose clamps should be assembled tightly to preventbeing loosen. If it is loosen, it may cause water drops.NNNN oooo tttt eeeeInsert the flexible hose to the drain hose port.1Fix the flexible hose to the indoor unit with the supplied cable clampsecurely.(Use the screwdriver to fix the flexible hose securely.)NNNN oooo tttt eeeeInstall the drain hose so that its length can be as short as possible.Internal diameter of the drain hose should be the same or slightly biggerthan the external diameter of the drain hose port. Inner diameter of the drain hose2Wrap the drain hose with the insulation drain as shown in figure and secure it.3 Give a slightly slant to the drain hose for proper drainage ofcondensate. Fix the flexible hose to the PVC with the supplied cable tiesecurely.NNNN oooo tttt eeee1.26 inch(Inner diameter)Flexible hoseInsulatorClampCable-tie✴✴026/035✴✴✴✴052✴✴Cable-TieInsulation drain hoseInsulation cover drainIndoorUnitCCCC AAAA UUUU TTTT IIII OOOO NNNNMust fit tightly againstbody without any gap.Cable Clamp