E-295 Check the SIM/PIM interface module channel (Watt-hour meter) information ofindoor/outdoor unit.X You can set the channel when SIM/PIM interface module is installed in LonWorksGateway.X When the indoor unit’s power is supplied from outdoor unit, set the ‘Outdoor unitSIM/PIM channel’ information only. (‘Outdoor unit SIM/PIM channel’ is referring towatt-hour meter which is connected to outdoor unit.)X When the indoor unit’s power is supplied from source other than outdoor unit, setthe ‘Outdoor unit SIM/PIM channel’ and ‘Indoor unit SIM/PIM channel’ information.(‘Indoor unit SIM/PIM channel’ is referring to watt-hour meter which is connected toindoor unit.)X Power distribution will be executed automatically. User does not need to check thevalue of watt-hour meter.X The maximum number of SIM channels for an outdoor unit is 4.6 Set indoor unit to execute power distribution.X If you do not set the watt-hour meter information, the power distribution result ofthe indoor unit will be displayed as ‘0’.7 Click [Save].X Changed setting will be saved to LonWorks Gateway.X If you do not click [Save] changed setting will not be saved.X Information of watt-hour meter connected to indoor/outdoor unit should beaccurate. If the watt-hour meter information is not accurate upon setting thechannel information of indoor unit, error may occur in the power distributionresult.X You must set SIM/PIM channel information in the indoor unit if you want toexecute power distribution. If not, it means that you do not execute powerdistribution and the power distribution result of the indoor unit will be ‘0’.X If the information of watt-hour meter connected to indoor/outdoor unit ischanged, consult with installation enginner.X LonWorks Gateway executes power distribution based on set information.uhzhtptTiX_us~Gn ptluWZ^YWhOXPUGGGY` YWXZTW[TY\GGG㝘㤸GXWaX]aY`