9.10 < Troubleshooting>Common PostScript problemsThe following situations are PostScript language specific and may occurwhen several printer languages are being used.“Fail To Print,” “Aprinter timeout erroroccurred,”messages appear.These messages may appear during printing.Just keep waiting until the printer finishesprinting. If the message appears in standbymode or after printing has been completed,check the connection and/or whether an errorhas occurred.Note• Refer to Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista User’s Guidethat came with your PC for further information on Windowserror messages.Note• To receive a printed or screen displayed message whenPostScript errors occur, open the Print Options window andclick the desired selection next to the PostScript errors section.Condition Possible cause Suggested solutionsPostScript filecan not beprinted.The PostScriptdriver may notbe installedcorrectly.• Print a configuration pageand verify that the PostScriptversion is available forprinting.• Install the PostScript driver;to installing the PS printerdriver, see the SoftwareSection.• If problem consists, contact aservice representative.“Limit CheckError” messageappears.The print jobwas toocomplex.You might need to reduce thecomplexity of the page.A PostScripterror pageprints.Print job maynot bePostScript.Make sure that the print job is aPostScript job. Check to seewhether the softwareapplication expected a setup orPostScript header file to be sentto the printer.When print adocument inMacintosh withAcrobat Reader6.0 or higher,colors printincorrectly.The resolutionsetting in theprinter drivermay not bematched withthat in AcrobatReader.Make sure that the resolutionsetting in your printer drivermatches that in AcrobatReader.Condition Suggested solutions Common Linux problemsCondition Suggested solutionsThe printer doesn’tprint.• Check if the printer driver is installed in yoursystem. Open Unified Driver Configuratorand switch to the Printers tab in Printersconfiguration window to look at the list ofavailable printers. Make sure that yourmachine is displayed on the list. If not,please, invoke Add new printer wizard to setup your device.• Check if the printer is started. Open Printersconfiguration and select your machine onthe printers list. Look at the description inthe Selected printer pane. If its statuscontains “(stopped)” string, please, pressthe Start button. After that normal operationof the printer should be restored. The"stopped" status might be activated whensome problems in printing occurred.• Check if your application has special printoption such as “-oraw”. If “-oraw” isspecified in the command line parameterthen remove it to print properly. For Gimpfront-end, select “print” -> “Setup printer”and edit command line parameter in thecommand item.I encounter error“Unable to openmfp port devicefile!” when printinga document.Please avoid changing print job parameters(via LPR GUI, for example) while a print job isin progress. Known versions of CUPS serverbreak the print job whenever print options arechanged and then try to restart the job fromthe beginning. Since Unified Linux Driverlocks mfp port while printing, the abrupttermination of the driver keeps the port lockedand therefore unavailable for subsequent printjobs. If this situation occurred, please, try torelease the mfp port.When printing adocument over thenetwork in SuSE9.2, the printerdoes not print.The CUPS (Common Unix Printing System)version distributed with SuSE Linux 9.2(cups-1.1.21) has a problem with ipp(Internet Printing Protocol) printing. Use thesocket printing instead of ipp or install laterversion of CUPS (cups-1.1.22 or higher).