Problem Solving 85l Check that the PS is available for printing, and thetotal memory is installed more than or equal to12MB by printing selftest page.- If PS is not available for printing, install thePS SIMM. (For information about installingprocedure of the PS SIMM, see page 99)- If the total memory is lower than 12MB, Installthe 8MB SIMM provided with the PS option.(For more information about installing procedureof the printer memory, see page 92)1. Open the Properties of PS driver.2. Click on PostScript.3. Click on the Advanced button.4. The pure binary data is not supported.Choose the others.l Make sure that the printer is powered on.l Check that the LocalTalk cable is completely pluggedinto the printer and your Macintosh.1. Open the PS driver Properties.2. Set ‘option cassette’ item of Device Option toinstalled.The PS file is notprinted.The Error messages(This job containsbinary data...) areprinted.For Macintosh UserYour printer namedoes not appear onthe chooser dialoguebox.The Optional cassetteis not selected in PSdriver.Problem SolutionPS(PostScript) Problems