Samsung Electronics 5-17Circuit Description5-1-4 Power Monitor (U35: KIA7045AP)If 5V power to KIA7045F drops to between +4.65V and+4.35V (typically 4.5V), power failure will be indicatedand the output of KIA7045F will go ‘low’. This causethe flash memory (U27M28) and KS32C6100 (U1) tobecame active (‘low’=reset). The flash memory andKS32C6100 reset causes the SCAN-IP connected to/RST_OUT terminal, modem, print controller to bereset. The output terminal of KIA7045AP is an open-drain configuration, output through a 5.1K pull-upresistor.5-1-5 Watch Dog Output (/RSTO)W atch dog timer is programmable counter in theKS32C6100. As initial state is enable, set the state to bedisable. After system switches to initialize mode, set thestate to be enable. If the watch dog reset and power on,according to default setting,5-1-6 MemoryS U M M A RYSystem memory consists of 2MB flash memory, 32KBSRAM, 8MB DRAM. MASKROM is selected optional.M E M O RY STRUCTUREFlash memory and DRAM are selected by chip select(/RCSO-1, /FMEM_CS, /RASO-1, /SCS, /CASO-3)lines, and data is accessed by the units position of theword.