Understanding the Scan & Send screen1215. Scan & Send (Scanning)• Both Pages(From Right): Scans both facing pages from the right page.• Book Center & Edge Erase: You can set shaded areas to erase shadowscaused by bindings or book edges from the center and side edges of copies.Advanced Fax (fax user only)Set the sending options for fax, such as Quick Start Fax and Delay Send.• Off: Disables this feature.• Quick Start Fax: The machine will begin to transmit the fax right after thefirst page has been scanned. Originals with many pages can be sent this waywithout overflowing the machine’s memory.• Delay Send: Set your machine to send a fax at scheduled time. Define theJob Name and Start Time.You can delay a fax by any length of time starting 1 minute and 24 hoursafter the scan.Email SettingsSet email information, such as From, Subject and Message.Original TypeUse this setting to improve copy quality by selecting the appropriate documenttype for the current job.• Text: Use if the original is mostly text and very few or no images.• Text/Photo: Use if the original is a mix of text and images.• Photo: Use if the original is mostly or exclusively images.Original SizeUse this option to set the actual paper size of the originals.• Auto: Automatically detect the size of original (see "Media sizesautomatically detected" on page 57).• Mixed Size: Automatically detect the size of original if the original uses acombination of different paper types.• Custom size: If you need to set a custom value for a special size of paper,use the arrows to set the required size.Original OrientationUse this option to set the orientation of the original.• Upright Images: The original is in landscape orientation. The images or textin the original are parallel to the long edge of the page.• Sideways Images: The original is in portrait orientation. The images or textin the original are perpendicular to the long edge of the page.