11-1011. ReferencesBandwidthThe number of bits that can be continuously transmitted or received per second. The higher thebandwidth the more efficient as data can be transferred in a shorter time.Address BusThe data bus used to specify the address of an input or output device or memory by the CPU.Control BusThe data bus used to transmit control signals by the CPU so as to notify the storage device, inputor output, of the current status or changes.rpm (revolutions per minute)This refers to the speed of reading data saved on the platter of a hard disk drive. It is also calledrevolutions per minute or disk revolutions per minute.PlatterThis refer to plates that are included on a hard disk drive and used to record data. Generally, ahard disk drive consists of 2 to 8 platters.DeviceIt refers to an electric or mechanical instrument. In PCs, it refers to the active devices used inelectric circuits such as transistor, ICE, etc.ResistanceAn electric characteristic that hinders current flow. All materials except for superconductors haveelectric resistance. The symbol is ‘R’. The unit is ‘Ω’.Audio FrequencyAn audio frequency normally audible to humans. Although the audio frequencies may differ dependingon individuals and the volume and type of the sound, audio frequencies range roughly from 20 Hz to20 kHz.RTC (Real-Time Clock Generator)An electronic circuit included on the main board and which maintains the time of day. It operateseven if the computer is turned off, as it operates on separate power. Since keeping the time of theday is convenient, most computers nowadays adopt this circuit.IMT-2000 (International Mobile Telecommunication-2000)This is used in our country and it refers to FPLMTS (Future Public Land Mobile TelecommunicationSystems). The International Telecommunications Union Radio Communication Sector (ITU-R) hasstandardized FPLMTS so that anyone can use various communication services (voice and data)anywhere with a single terminal. Because the pronunciation of ‘FPLMTS’ is difficult, it was renamedIMT-2000 in 1996.- This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization -