193Appendix > GlossaryPAL (Phase Alternate Line)A video color encoding standard used in numerous countries throughoutAfrica, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East.QualityAn expression of the rate of compression used in a digital image. Higherquality images have a lower rate of compression, which usually results in alarger file size.RAW (CCD raw data)The original, unprocessed data, collected directly from the camera’s imagesensor. White Balance, contrast, saturation, sharpness, and other data canbe manipulated with editing software before the image is compressed intoa standard file format.ResolutionThe number of pixels present in a digital image. High resolution imagescontain more pixels and typically show more detail than low resolutionimages.NoiseMisinterpreted pixels in a digital image that may appear as misplaced orrandom, bright pixels. Noise usually occurs when photos are shot with ahigh sensitivity or when a sensitivity is automatically set in a dark place.NFC (Near Field Communication)NFC is a set of standards for radio communication at very close proximity.You can use NFC-enabled devices to activate features or exchange datawith other devices.NTSC (National Television System Committee)A video color encoding standard used most commonly in Japan, NorthAmerica, the Philippines, South America, South Korea, and Taiwan.Optical zoomThis is a general zoom which can enlarge images with a lens and does notdeteriorate quality of images.www.devicemanuals.euAn expression of the rate of compression used in a digital image. Higherwww.devicemanuals.euAn expression of the rate of compression used in a digital image. Higherquality images have a lower rate of compression, which usually results in awww.devicemanuals.euquality images have a lower rate of compression, which usually results in alarger file size.www.devicemanuals.eularger file size.RAW (CCD raw data)www.devicemanuals.euRAW (CCD raw data)A video color encoding standard used most commonly in Japan, Northwww.devicemanuals.euA video color encoding standard used most commonly in Japan, NorthAmerica, the Philippines, South America, South Korea, and Taiwan.www.devicemanuals.euAmerica, the Philippines, South America, South Korea, and Taiwan.www.devicemanuals.euThis is a general zoom which can enlarge images with a lens and does notwww.devicemanuals.euThis is a general zoom which can enlarge images with a lens and does not