18- Remote control button functions maydiffer for different products.- Remove batteries when the remotecontrol is not to be used for an extendedperiod of time.Remote Control― Using other display devices in the same space as the remote control of this product can cause the other display devices to be inadvertently controlled.― A button without a description in the image below is not supported on the product.HOMEMENUPOWEROFFVOLMagicInfoPlayer I.QZ1 ABC2 DEF3GHI4 JKL5 MNO6SYMBOL0PRS7 TUV8 WXY9MUTESOURCECHDEL-/--CH LISTPower off the product.Number buttonsEnter the password in the OSD menu.Mute the sound.Unmuting the sound: Press MUTE again or pressthe volume control(+ VOL -) button.Go to Home Launch Button.Power on the product.Adjust the volume.Change the input source.Display or hide the onscreen display menu, orreturn to the previous menu.