Section 2J: Using the Built-in Camera and Camcorder 187CameraPrinting Pictures Using PictBridgePictBridge is an industry standard established by CIPA thatenables a range of digital photo solutions including directphoto printing from a digital camera to a printer withoutthe need for a PC.Printing From Your PhoneThe MM-A800 comes equipped with a 2 megapixel built-incamera that allows you to print images directly to a printerusing the PictBridge technology. A USB cable must beconnected between the two devices before any printingcan occur.To use PictBridge to print pictures from your phone:1. Insert the USB cable into your phone.2. Insert the other end of the accessory cable into theUSB slot on the printer. (Printer must supportPictBridge technology.)3. Press Menu ( ) to access the main menu.4. Select Pictures Video ( ).5. Select Pictbridge Print ( ).6. Read the Connect Printer message andselect OK ( ).Note: The USB cable included with the MM-A800 is intended forPictBridge printing only.