English - 27Operating the DTV Menu1.1 Select CountryTo tune-in new channels, the TV has been provided with the option“Select Country”. Select the country where broadcasting services areprovided. After selecting the “Select Country” from the InstallationMenu, the following screen will be displayed:• Select the country which you are in.You can select the value of ITALY, SPAIN, SWEDEN, UK, USER, BELGIUM,GERMANY, FINLAND, or FRANCE by using œ or √ button.• After selecting option, press the ENTER/OK ( ) button to choose thenation of broadcasting area to be served. If you don’t want to save thechanges, press EXIT button without ENTER/OK ( ) button pressed.➢ If national code is changed, all of saved programs will be deleted.➢ USER: An user may set Channel Number and Frequency in Auto/Manualscanning.1.2 Auto ScanningThe sub menu “Auto Scanning” will enable download of the channelsautomatically from the preprogrammed load.To download channels automatically:• You can select the specified frequency between Start Frequency andEnd Frequency.• Press the ENTER/OK ( ) button.Auto Scanning menu will be displayed.All the channels in the list will be automatically downloaded.1.3 Manual ScanningTo tune-in new channels and weak signals, the TV has been providedwith the option “Manual Scanning” where the channel data can beentered by the user. After selecting the “Manual Scanning” from theInstallation Menu, the following screen will be displayed:• Select the Channel Number.You can select the specified channel you want to find.The followings are defined as a default, but optionally you can choose it.Signal Status bar shows you if it is valid.• Input the frequency of the channel you want to find.• Select the bandwidth. You can select the value of 6 MHz, 7 MHz or 8 MHz.• Select the Guard Interval Mode.You can select the value of AUTO, 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, or 1/4.• Select the FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) Mode.One of the values-AUTO, 2 K, and 8 K- will be selected automatically.You may change the set value as your preference.• After selecting option, press the ENTER/OK ( ) button to start thescanning process.1.4 Reset to Factory DefaultsThis is to restore the factory set values in case the user has encounteredsome problems after changing any values of channel data and others whichmay be in error. At the request window, if you press the ENTER/OK ( )button, the TV will be reset to factory default settings automatically.➢ This causes your previous settings to be deleted!continued...Countryœœ/√√ - select country, OK - confirm selection, EXIT/D.MENU -exit this menu.œœ ITALY √√Installation > Select CountryCountryScan ModeStart FrequencyEnd Frequencyœœ/√√ - select option, ……/†† - move, OK - start scan,EXIT/D.MENU - exit.Installation > Auto ScanningITALYDigitalœœ CH D/177500 kHz √√CH69/858000 kHzCountryScan ModeChannel NumberFrequencyBandwidthGuard IntervalFFT Modeœœ/√√ - select option, ……/†† - move, OK - start scan,EXIT/D.MENU - exit.Installation > Manual ScanningITALYDigitalœœ CH D √√177500 kHz7 MHzAUTO8 KSignal StatusInstallationChannel OrganisingParental LockSystem SetupSelect CountryAuto ScanningManual ScanningReset to Factory DefaultsInstallation > Reset to Factory DefaultsPress OK to confirm selection or EXIT tocancel.