Tips for Avoiding Paper JamsBy carefully selecting print materials and loading them properly, youshould be able to avoid most paper jams. If jams occur frequently, makesure you are following these tips to avoid jams.• Follow the procedures in “Loading a Stack of Paper” on page 6 to loadpaper properly.• Do not overload the paper feeder. The automatic feeder can hold up to150 sheets and the manual feeder can hold only one sheet at a time.• Flex, fan, and straighten the paper before loading it.• Fan stacks of labels or transparencies before loading them into theautomatic feeder. If jams do occur using the automatic feeder, tryfeeding one sheet at a time in the manual feeder.• Do not load wrinkled, creased, damp, or highly curled paper.• Do not mix paper types in the automatic feeder.• Use only recommended print materials.• Make sure the recommended print side is face up when loading thefeeders.• Keep print materials stored in an acceptable environment.47Troubleshooting and Maintenance04-Supplies 5/10/99 4:00 PM Page 9