69TROUBLESHOOTING4-2-5. When PANEL PBA operates abnormallyRefer to Circuit Diagram inthis manual and check thecircuit diagram attached onthe back of the unit.,ISDQHONH\GRHVQ·WZRUNStartRe-insert Connector,Correct the defectivecontactNOYES1) When PANEL PBA does not light up or partially does2) When Panel PBA buttons are not workingThe connector at theFreezer upper hinge coveris inserted properly.Re-insert MAIN PBAConnectorNOYESMAIN PBA Connector(CN50)is insertedproperlyYESRe-insert Connector,Correct the defective contactNODOOR PANEL PBAConnector is insertedproperlyNO Defective PANEL PBAYESIt lights up afterPANEL-PBA replacementCheck F/R-Door Wiring - Short or Open WireCheck F/R-CABI Wiring - Short or Open WireCheck Short/Open on MAIN PBA or replace itCheck F/R-Door Wiring - Short or Open WireCheck F/R-CABI Wiring - Short or Open WireCheck Short/Open on MAIN PBA or replace itCancel Child Lock andcheck it againYESNOChild Lock is onRe-assemble PBA ASS'Y, Correctany restrictions on the buttonsBeingPressedThere are nobuttons being pressedcontinuously.NORe-assemble PBA ASS'Y, Correctany restrictions on the buttonsWhen being separated, it worksThe troublecontinues after Panel PBA coveris separatedYESDefective PANEL PBAYESAfter replacingPanel PBA, it worksproperlyNO