546. TROUBLESHOOTING6-3) If defrost functionIs F, R defrosting sensor byself-diagnosis normal?StartExchange and troubleshoot thecorresponding sensor.䤍 See Ref. 3: ‘Check load’ in the manual.䤍 Make decision on the basis of ref. 4 and6 in the manual.䤍 See test function in the manual.䤍 Recheck the corresponding sensor foran error if it fails in return.䤍 See ‘Load Drive Circuit section’ andRef. 2: How to check failure of relay.Is F, R Room defrosting heater normal?Check temp. fuse,breaking of heater wire, contact ofwire and so on.Is temp. of the defrostingsensor below 5?Run forced operation for aspecified period.Repair the connection terminal.Perform forced defrosting for F andF Room at a time.NormalCheck temp. fuse, breaking of heater wire,contact of wire and so on.Exchange or troubleshoot the failure relay orexchange PCB ass’y.Is power applied to therespective defrosting heaters?Does the systemreturn to cooling operation after heatingfor a specified period of time?Recheck the connectionterminal in Main PCBNONOYESYESNOYESNONONOYESYESYESIf temp. of F, R defrosting sensor by theworking of heater are over 50×Reference