61. PRECAUTIONS(SAFETY WARNINGS)ā Please let users know following warnings & cautions in detail.Do not allow users to put bottles orkinds of glass in the freezer.Freezing of the contents may inflict a wound.Do not allow users to store narrowand lengthy bottles or foods in asmall multi-purpose room.It may hurt you when refrigerator door isopened and closed resulting in falling stuffdown.Do not allow users to storepharmaceutical products, scientificmaterials, etc., in the refrigerator.The products which temperature controlshould not be stored in the refrigerator.Do not allow users to storearticles on the product.Opening or closing the door may causethings to fall down, with may inflict awound.Prohibition Prohibition ProhibitionProhibitionWarning & CautionDo not allow users todisassemble, repair or alter.It may cause fire or abnormaloperation which leads to injury.Do notdisassembleDo not allow users to insert thepower plugs for many productsat the same time.May cause abnormal generation ofheat or fire.ProhibitionDo not allow users to bend thepower cord with excessive forceor do not have the power cordpressed by heavy article.May cause fire.Do not allow users to install therefrigerator in the wet place orthe place where water splashes.Deterioration of insulation of electricparts may cause electric shock or fire.Make sure of the earth.If earthing is not done, it will causebreakdown and electric shock.Earth