Web and DataSection 3B. Web and Data 161To use softkeys: Press a softkey. (If an additional pop-up menu isdisplayed when you press the softkey, select themenu items using your keypad [if they’renumbered], or by highlighting the option andpressing .)ScrollingAs with other parts of your phone’s menu, you’ll have toscroll up and down to see everything on some Websites.To scroll line by line through Web sites: Press the navigation key up and down.To scroll page by page through Web sites: Press the volume buttons on the side of the phone.Tip Depending on which Web sites you visit, the labelson the softkeys may change to indicate theirfunction.Landscape ModePortrait ModeRightSoftkeyLeftSoftkeySprint M540.book Page 161 Tuesday, April 7, 2009 3:38 PM