WarrantySection 4B. Manufacturer’s Warranty 207NOT AFFECT THE ENFORCEABILITY FOR THE REMAINDEROF THIS LIMITED WARRANTY WHICH PURCHASERACKNOWLEDGES IS AND WILL ALWAYS BE CONSTRUED TOBE LIMITED BY ITS TERMS OR AS LIMITED AS THE LAWPERMITS. THE PARTIES UNDERSTAND THAT THEPURCHASER MAY USE THIRD-PARTY SOFTWARE OREQUIPMENT IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE PRODUCT.SAMSUNG MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONSAND THERE ARE NO CONDITIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, AS TO THE QUALITY,CAPABILITIES, OPERATIONS, PERFORMANCE ORSUITABILITY OF ANY THIRDPARTY SOFTWARE OREQUIPMENT, WHETHER SUCH THIRD-PARTY SOFTWARE OREQUIPMENT IS INCLUDED WITH THE PRODUCTDISTRIBUTED BY SAMSUNG OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDINGTHE ABILITY TO INTEGRATE ANY SUCH SOFTWARE OREQUIPMENT WITH THE PRODUCT. THE QUALITY,CAPABILITIES, OPERATIONS, PERFORMANCE ANDSUITABILITY OF ANY SUCH THIRD-PARTY SOFTWARE OREQUIPMENT LIE SOLELY WITH THE PURCHASER AND THEDIRECT VENDOR, OWNER OR SUPPLIER OF SUCH THIRD-PARTY SOFTWARE OR EQUIPMENT, AS THE CASE MAY BE.This Limited Warranty allocates risk of Product failure betweenPurchaser and SAMSUNG, and SAMSUNG's Product pricingreflects this allocation of risk and the limitations of liabilitycontained in this Limited Warranty. The agents, employees,distributors, and dealers of SAMSUNG are not authorized tomake modifications to this Limited Warranty, or make additionalwarranties binding on SAMSUNG. Accordingly, additionalstatements such as dealer advertising or presentation, whetheroral or written, do not constitute warranties by SAMSUNG andshould not be relied upon.Precautions for Transfer and DisposalIf data stored on this device is deleted or reformatted using thestandard methods, the data only appears to be removed on asuperficial level, and it may be possible for someone to retrieveand reuse the data by means of special software.To avoid unintended information leaks and other problems ofthis sort, it is recommended that the device be returned toSamsung’s Customer Care Center for an Extended File System(EFS) Clear which will eliminate all user memory and return allsettings to default settings. Please contact the SamsungCustomer Care Center for details.Customer Care Center:1000 Klein Rd.Plano, TX 75074Toll Free Tel: 1.888.987.HELP (4357)Important Please provide warranty information (proof ofpurchase) to Samsung’s Customer CareCenter in order to provide this service at nocharge. If the warranty has expired on thedevice, charges may apply.Sprint M540.book Page 207 Tuesday, April 7, 2009 3:38 PM