setting up _2101 SETTING UPthe refrigerator if the left side of the refrigerator islower than the right side.How to adjust the level1. Open the freezer drawer and remove the lowerbasket.2. Insert a fl at-blade screwdriver (-) into the notchon the left control lever, and turn it counter-clockwise to level the refrigerator. (You turn thelever clockwise to lower the refrigerator andcounterclockwise to raise it.)fl at-blade screwdriver (-)fl at-blade screwdriver (-) Control LeverControl LeverBoth control levers must be touching thefl oor to avoid possible personal injury orproperty damage because of tipping.If the right side is lower, perform the sameprocedure, but with the right control lever.It is diffi cult to remove the cover legfront from the refrigerator, so we do notrecommend making small adjustmentswith the control lever. Instead, refer to thenext page for the best way to make minoradjustments to the doors.CAUTIONMAKING MINORADJUSTMENTS TO THEDOORSRemember, a leveled refrigerator is necessaryfor getting the doors perfectly even. If you needhelp, review the previous section on leveling therefrigerator.AdjustmentAdjustmentpartpartFixed partFixed partThe left door is fi xed. To make minor dooradjustments, adjust only the right door.1. Pull out the fl ex door ( 1 ) to reveal the lowerhinge ( 2 ).2. Insert the supplied allen wrench (5/32”) ( 3 )into the shaft ( 4 ) of the lower hinge.3. Adjust the height by turning the hex wrench( 3 ) clockwise ( DOWNDOWN ) or counter clockwise( UPUP).When you turn the hex wrench counter-clockwise ( ), the door will move up.31234